Everyone’s familiar with the term, “kick them when they’re up, kick them when they’re down” which I believe is a phrase in reference to keep fighting and encouragement not to give up. However, for me, it’s a phrase of feeling like no matter the circumstance, I’m always being kicked! I often check for a permanent post-it note on my back for the kick me sign that just isn’t funny anymore. The beauty of being down and hitting rock bottom is that the only place you can go is UP or so I’m learning, believing faithfully.
My story is by circumstance of one (two, three, and four) doors closing professionally and personally in my life and the power of sisterhood and the unspoken potential others saw in me not to give up. Professionally, I worked for a WBE, MBE Corporation and was very involved with several organizations. I had the executive title and had the momentum of reaching goals of the company. I was everywhere, always attending events, tradeshows, conferences and countless networking events while also serving as the Vice President of Membership for NAWBO Kentucky. Suddenly a shift in leadership and strategic planning eliminated my position. The news came just a week after learning that my husband had filed for divorce. Devastation, depression and embarrassment were overwhelming and I mentally and physically became isolated from the world.
After a few weeks of shut down, I finally began to look for a job and return calls to a full mailbox. One message was from a NAWBO member that I helped connect with resources to obtain WBENC certification. She asked for my advice on how to navigate the exhausting, time-consuming supplier diversity portal registrations. Since I had several years of experience, I agreed to meet with her to discuss for which she asked if I would just do it. By word-of-mouth, she told another NAWBO WBENC certified company and I became very busy quickly. I also had the opportunity to serve behind-the-scenes support for an inaugural diversity event learning that I had found my niche of administrative concierge service.
The power of sisterhood for professional women that wouldn’t let me hide any longer. The power of sisterhood that has empowered me to make a difference for their business is a blessing of the unspoken potential. I’ve always been introduced as the Go 2 Girl and the name fits my message of influencing relationships to inspire change. I believe in the system of supplier diversity, certification and the power of connections. I want to continue to provide support to certified companies that are frustrated with the system. I want to continue to provide support for special projects and events. This competition will allow funds to complete my website and officially launch my services. I’m also in the process of obtaining my own certification. The ConnXus Platinum Supplier Development will be applied to my clients and continued results for their certification.